Acquiring testimonials can be a challenging task, but with Testimonial, we've simplified the process for you. In just minutes, effortlessly gather both text and video testimonials from your customers, eliminating the need for a developer or website hosting.
Seamlessly developed and orchestrated for a superior shopping experience. Integrated Stripe, empowered sellers with an intuitive Admin Panel.
Free tool for cross-device text/image sharing, real-time scribbling, URL shortening, and easy file sharing.
Elevate your job prospects with the ultimate online resume builder. Effortless customization, standout design - your dream job is within reach!
Revolutionizing document creation with automated synthesis of Word templates, drastically reducing generation time for high-quality, PDF-ready documents.
Blockchain-powered Decentralized Funding Platform, ensuring secure transfers directly to campaign owners' wallets.
Experience my unique and innovative portfolio inspired by Ubuntu Terminal. Interact with a nostalgic yet modern interface showcasing skills, achievements, and projects.
Empowering developers globally with insightful articles on web development, React, Next.js, and state management.